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walt franco

walt franco • Dec 11, 2023

Making the Holidays Work: A Construction guide


The holiday season is upon us, and while many are taking time off to celebrate and relax, the construction industry often marches on. At OT Construction, we understand the importance of efficient holiday working and planning. In this blog post, we'll explore how to make the most of the holiday season while keeping construction projects on track.

1. Embrace the Holiday Spirit on the Job Site:

The holidays are a time for joy and camaraderie. Encourage a festive atmosphere on your job sites by decorating them with holiday lights, wreaths, and decorations. This not only boosts morale among your team but also creates a positive impression on clients and passersby.

2. Adjust Schedules and Expectations:

The holiday season can bring unpredictable weather and shorter daylight hours. Plan construction schedules accordingly, taking into account potential delays due to adverse weather conditions. Communicate with clients and stakeholders to manage their expectations and ensure a smooth construction process.

3. Prioritize Safety and Well-being:

The well-being of your construction crew is paramount. Ensure that safety protocols are in place and followed rigorously, especially during the holiday season when distractions may be more prevalent. Provide warm and comfortable work attire to protect your team from the cold.

4. Efficient Planning for the New Year:

The end of the year is an excellent time to evaluate the progress of ongoing projects and plan for the year ahead. Use this time to review budgets, set goals, and strategize for upcoming construction endeavors. A well-thought-out plan will set you up for a successful and productive year.

5. Building Strong Client Relationships:

The holidays provide an opportunity to strengthen client relationships. Consider sending personalized holiday greetings to your clients, expressing gratitude for their trust in your construction services. A little gesture can go a long way in building lasting connections.

6. Reflect and Appreciate:

Finally, take a moment to reflect on the year's accomplishments and appreciate the hard work and dedication of your construction team. Recognize their efforts and contributions to the success of your projects. A simple thank-you can boost morale and foster a sense of belonging.


The holiday season doesn't have to be a hurdle for construction projects. With careful planning, a focus on safety and well-being, and a dose of holiday spirit, construction companies like OT Construction can keep the wheels turning even during this festive time. Remember to prioritize your team, clients, and the future as you navigate the holidays in the construction industry.

Happy Holidays from OT Construction!

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